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Re: compinstall and non-default file

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> > > With the following file generated by compinstall it cannot find it's
> > > definition. I'd expected it to parse the file.
> > 
> > Yes, this was just plain stupidity.  Even if it had registered that you'd
> > edited it, it would have tried to search the name before you edited it.
> > I've put in a test that the file you give does have definitions in it.
> There was a problem with this.  Unless you actually had an alternative
> file with completions in it, you were stuck in the loop for ever.
> I've added compcontext=-default-, but for some reason I'm getting too many
> completions; file completions appear, but above is something else without
> descriptions which contains some subset of file completions in a way I
> haven't understood.

Hm, I can't reproduce this. Could you give me an example?


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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