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Re: PATCH: yet another match-spec-cursor bug

Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
>I've tried quite a bit now, but can't reproduce it. And you didn't
>give us much information, did you? ;-) For example, I guess you have a 
>`r:[^A-Z0-9]||[A-Z0-9]=*', right?
>So, can you reproduce it with `zsh -f'?

Sorry not to provide more details.  I was thinking the problem might be
closely related to the original patch.

I am able to get the same intermittent problem with "zsh -f".
myprompt@ zsh -f
host% mkdir j ; touch j/build.out{,1,2} ; cd j
host% bindkey -e; autoload -U compinit; compinit -D
host% zstyle ':completion:*:complete:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} 
r:|[.,_-]=* r:[^A-Z0-9]||[A-Z0-9]=* r:[A-Z0-9]||[^A-Z0-9]=* r:[^0-9]||[0-9]=*'
host% more bui<TAB>

If I try completing "bui", I rarely I get only "build" or  more often I get the
following sequence after hitting tab:
   bui --> build.out[] --> build[.]out --> build.out[] --> build.out1[]
         --> build.out2[]

Most times I get the correct behavior.  Though within several attempts I get
described incorrect behavior.  


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