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empty action handling of _arguments and _alternative

I found a difference of empty action handling between _arguments and

Z(5):akr@serein% Src/zsh -f
serein% bindkey -e; autoload -U compinit; compinit -D
serein% zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format %d
serein% compdef _tst1 tst1; _tst1 () { _arguments '-o::o:' ':a:' }
serein% compdef _tst2 tst2; _tst2 () { _alternative 'option-o-1:o:' 'argument-1:a:' }

serein% tst1 -o <TAB>

serein% tst2 <TAB>

_arguments shows only `a' but _alternative shows both.  They has tags
`option-o-1' and `argument-1' orderd by defafult tag-order specified
in _tags.  Is this intentional?
Tanaka Akira

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