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PATCH: Completion matching control test. (Try 2)
- X-seq: zsh-workers 11397
- From: Felix Rosencrantz <f_rosencrantz@xxxxxxxxx>
- To: zsh-workers <zsh-workers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: PATCH: Completion matching control test. (Try 2)
- Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 23:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
- Mailing-list: contact zsh-workers-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; run by ezmlm
Here is another attempt at posting the matching test.
I think the problem that Bart saw in workers/11339 was related to the changes
made to comptest. I'm guessing the patch didn't get through properly.
The change around line 118 looked something like:
print -lr "COMPADD:{${match[6]//[^M
I would really like to say
print -lr "COMPADD:{${match[6]//[\r\n]/}}"
But we can't use the backslash escape sequences here. My changes to comptest
cause the unfiltered compadd output to contain linefeeds and carriage returns,
which I wanted to filter away. Is there a better way to do this than putting
the actual control characters in the pattern?
Based on the problem Bart had, I decided to try filtering this whitespace with
the "tr" command.
I've added the bug that Tanaka Akira sent from workers/11388.
I'd like to see this added even though the test fails. Some failures
are the test, some are the code. When we have a runnable copy of the
test the appropriate part can be fixed.
This patch supersedes workers/11334.
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Index: Test/comptest
--- zsh/Test/comptest.orig Mon May 15 23:00:41 2000
+++ zsh/Test/comptest Mon May 15 12:00:33 2000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
termcap_ce="$(echotc ce)"
while getopts Dd:c:z: opt; do
case $opt in
D) debug=yes;;
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@
if [[ "$log" = (#b)*$'<LBUFFER>'(*)$'</LBUFFER>\r\n<RBUFFER>'(*)$'</RBUFFER>'* ]]; then
print -lr "line: {$match[1]}{$match[2]}"
- while (( ${(N)log#*(#b)(<LC><(??)><RC>(*)<EC>|<DESCRIPTION>(*)</DESCRIPTION>|<MESSAGE>(*)</MESSAGE>)} )); do
+ while (( ${(N)log#*(#b)(<LC><(??)><RC>(*)<EC>|<DESCRIPTION>(*)</DESCRIPTION>|<MESSAGE>(*)</MESSAGE>|<COMPADD>(*)</COMPADD>)} )); do
if (( 0 <= $mbegin[2] )); then
if [[ $match[2] != TC && $match[3] != \ # ]]; then
@@ -114,6 +115,9 @@
print -lr "DESCRIPTION:{$match[4]}"
elif (( 0 <= $mbegin[5] )); then
print -lr "MESSAGE:{$match[5]}"
+ elif (( 0 <= $mbegin[6] )); then
+ result=`echo $match[6] | tr -d '\012\015'`
+ print -lr "COMPADD:{$result}"
Index: Test/54compmatch.ztst
--- /dev/null Mon May 15 22:10:33 2000
+++ zsh/Test/54compmatch.ztst Mon May 15 22:58:27 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+# Tests for completion system matching control
+#Most test follow this format:
+# test_code $matcher_string selection_list
+# comptest -c "$code" $' tst input_string'
+# test_code generates the string $codem which sets what words the completion
+# should be selecting from. The "comnptest function actually performs the
+# completion test, using the completion function generated by test_code.
+# This test also tests error conditions that compadd reports, so output also
+# contains the compadd output.
+ zmodload -i zsh/zpty
+ TERM=vt100
+ export ZTST_testdir ZTST_srcdir TERM
+ comptest () { $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f $ZTST_srcdir/comptest -z $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -d $ZTST_testdir/compdump.tmp "$@" }
+ mkdir match.tmp
+ cd match.tmp
+ list1=(IndianRed IndianRed2 IndianRed3 IndianRed4)
+ test_code () {
+ matcher=$1;
+ list=$2;
+ code="compdef _tst tst ; _tst () { echo -n '<COMPADD>';compadd -M '"
+ code="$code$matcher"
+ code="$code' - ${(P)list} ; echo -n '</COMPADD>'}"
+ }
+ test_code z: list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "z:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: unknown match specification character `z'}
+ test_code m: list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code M: list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "M:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code r: list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error "r:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code R: list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error "R:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code l: list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "l:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code L: list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "L:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code 'm:{0-9' list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:{0-9"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: unterminated character class}
+ test_code 'm:{0-9}' list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:{0-9}"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing word pattern}
+ test_code 'm:{0-9}={' list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:{0-9}={"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: unterminated character class}
+ test_code 'm:{0-9}={0-' list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:{0-9}={0-"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: unterminated character class}
+ test_code 'm:{0-9}={-' list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:{0-9}={-"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: unterminated character class}
+ test_code r: list1
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error "r:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ example1_list=(
+ kshoptionprint shglob
+ listambiguous shinstdin
+ listbeep shnullcmd
+ listpacked shoptionletters
+ listrowsfirst shortloops
+ listtypes shwordsplit
+ )
+ options_matcher='L:|[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}'
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst nolistbee\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "nolistbee"
+>line: {tst nolistbeep }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst list_bee\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "list_bee"
+>line: {tst list_beep }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst ListBee\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "ListBee"
+>line: {tst ListBeep }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst NOList\tB\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "NOList"
+>line: {tst NOList}{}
+>line: {tst NOListBeep }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst NO_List\t__\tB\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "NO_List\t__\tB\t"
+>line: {tst NO_List}{}
+>line: {tst NO_List__}{}
+>line: {tst NO_List__Beep }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst __\tN\t__o\t___\tlist_\tbeep__\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "__\tN\t__o\t___\tlist_\tbeep__\t"
+>line: {tst __}{}
+>line: {tst __N}{}
+>line: {tst __N__o}{}
+>line: {tst __N__o___}{}
+>line: {tst __N__o___list_}{}
+>line: {tst __N__o___list_beep__}{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst __\tNo\t___\tlist_\tbeep__\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "__\tNo\t___\tlist_\tbeep__\t"
+>line: {tst __}{}
+>line: {tst __No}{}
+>line: {tst __No___}{}
+>line: {tst __No___list_}{}
+>line: {tst __No___list_beep__ }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst ___\tlist_\tbeep__\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "___\tlist_\tbeep__\t"
+>line: {tst ___}{}
+>line: {tst ___list_}{}
+>line: {tst ___list_beep__ }{}
+ lower_insensitive_M="M:{a-z}={A-Z}"
+ lower_insensitive_m="m:{a-z}={A-Z}"
+ example2_list=(ABC Abc abc)
+ test_code $lower_insensitive_M example2_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst ab\tC\t'
+0:Documentation example for lowercase insenitive M, input "ab\tC\t"
+>line: {tst ab}{}
+>line: {tst abC }{}
+ test_code $lower_insensitive_m example2_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst A\t\t'
+0:Documentation example for lowercase insenitive m, input "A\t\t"
+>line: {tst A}{}
+>line: {tst ABC}{}
+ example3_list=(ABC Abc abc)
+ case_insensitive_M="M:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}"
+ case_insensitive_m="m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}"
+ test_code $case_insensitive_M example3_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst aB\t\t'
+0:Documentation example for case insenitive M, input "aB\t\t"
+>line: {tst aB}{}
+>line: {tst aBC}{}
+ test_code $case_insensitive_m example3_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst aB\t\t'
+0:Documentation example for case insenitive m, input "aB\t\t"
+>line: {tst a}{BC}
+>line: {tst a}{BC}
+ example4_matcher='r:|.=* r:|=*'
+ example4_list=(comp.sources.unix comp.sources.misc
+ comp.graphics.algorithms comp.graphics.animation comp.graphics.api
+ comp.graphics.apps comp.graphics.misc comp.graphics.packages
+ comp.graphics.rendering comp.graphics.visualization comp.graphics.apps.alias
+ comp.graphics.apps.gimp comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot
+ comp.graphics.apps.lightwave comp.graphics.apps.pagemaker
+ comp.graphics.apps.paint-shop-pro comp.graphics.apps.photoshop
+ comp.graphics.apps.softimage comp.graphics.apps.ulead
+ comp.graphics.rendering.misc comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing
+ comp.graphics.rendering.renderman)
+ test_code $example4_matcher example4_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst c.s.u\t'
+0:Documentation example using input c.s.u
+>line: {tst comp.sources.unix }{}
+ test_code $example4_matcher example4_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst c.g.\ta\t.\tp\ta\tg\t'
+0:Documentation example using input c.g.\ta\t.\tp\ta\tg\t
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.a}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.p}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.pa}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.pagemaker }{}
+ test_code $example4_matcher example4_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst c...pag\t'
+0:Documentation example using input c...pag\t
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.pagemaker }{}
+ test_code $example4_matcher example4_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst c...pa\tg\t'
+0:Documentation example using input c...pa\tg\t
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.pa}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.pagemaker }{}
+ example5_matcher='r:|[.,_-]=* r:|=*'
+ example5_list=(veryverylongfile.c veryverylongheader.h)
+ test_code $example5_matcher example5_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst v.c\tv.h\t'
+0:Documentation example using input v.c\t
+>line: {tst veryverylongfile.c }{}
+>line: {tst veryverylongfile.c veryverylongheader.h }{}
+ example6_list=(LikeTHIS FooHoo foo123 bar234)
+ test_code 'r:|[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*' example6_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst H\t'
+0:Documentation example using "r:|[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*", input H
+>line: {tst }{H}
+ test_code 'r:|[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*' example6_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst 2\t\t'
+0:Documentation example using "r:|[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*", input 2
+>line: {tst }{23}
+>line: {tst }{23}
+ example7_matcher="r:[^A-Z0-9]||[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*"
+ example7_list=($example6_list)
+ test_code $example7_matcher example7_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst H\t2\t'
+0:Documentation example using "r:[^A-Z0-9]||[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*"
+>line: {tst FooHoo }{}
+>line: {tst FooHoo bar234 }{}
+ workers_7311_matcher="m:{a-z}={A-Z} r:|[.,_-]=*"
+ workers_7311_list=(Abc-Def-Ghij.txt Abc-def.ghi.jkl_mno.pqr.txt Abc_def_ghi_jkl_mno_pqr.txt)
+ test_code $workers_7311_matcher workers_7311_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst a-a\t'
+0:Bug from workers 7311
+>line: {tst a-a}{}
+ test_code $workers_7311_matcher workers_7311_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst a\t\t-d.\t'
+0:Bug from workers_7311
+>line: {tst Abc}{.txt}
+>line: {tst Abc}{.txt}
+>line: {tst Abc}{-def.txt}
+ workers_10886_matcher="r:|[A-Z0-9]=*"
+ workers_10886_list=(BW UWB W)
+ test_code $workers_10886_matcher workers_10886_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst W\t'
+0:Bug from workers 10886
+>line: {tst }{W}
+ workers_11081_matcher='m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} r:|[.,_-]=* r:[^A-Z0-9]||[A-Z0-9]=* r:[A-Z0-9]||[^A-Z0-9]=* r:[^0-9]||[0-9]=*'
+ workers_11081_list=(build.out build.out1 build.out2)
+ test_code $workers_11081_matcher workers_11081_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst bui\t\t\t'
+0:Bug from workers 11081
+>line: {tst build.out}{}
+>line: {tst build.out}{}
+>line: {tst build.out}{}
+ workers_11388_matcher='r:|[:.]=* r:|=*'
+ workers_11388_list=(a.b:0 c.d:1)
+ test_code $workers_11388_matcher workers_11388_list
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst :\t'
+0:Bug from workers 11388
+>line: {tst }{.:}
+exit 0
Index: Test/.distfiles
--- zsh/Test/,.distfiles Wed Apr 19 12:03:09 2000
+++ zsh/Test/.distfiles Thu May 11 21:44:19 2000
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
05command.ztst 06arith.ztst 07cond.ztst 08traps.ztst 09funcdef.ztst
10prompt.ztst 11glob.ztst 12procsubst.ztst 13parameter.ztst
50cd.ztst 51xtrace.ztst 52zregexparse.ztst
- 53completion.ztst
+ 53completion.ztst 54compmatch.ztst
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