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RE: PATCH: RE: side effect of "select=long"

>   zstyle ':completion:*' menu 'select=0' 'select=long-list'
> Ok?

Yep. The only strange thing, it does not always recognize changed style
immediately ... dunno why (I mean, when I set it on command line).

To Peter (compinstall :-): I think, this option belongs to different
menu. Currently we have:

     *** compinstall: options for colouring and selecting in lists ***

1.   Use coloured lists for listing completions.

2.   Use cursor keys to select completions from completion lists.

3.   Allow scrolling of long selection lists and set the prompt.

IMHO it nicely fits into 3, where we then have two choices, like "Always
scroll the list" and "Start menu selection if ..."; for the latter then
start it always or just for pure completion. After all, in this case
menu selection is more a replacement for list.


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