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PATCH: Re: tag-order problem.

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> On May 30, 11:22pm, Tanaka Akira wrote:
> ...
> } Z(3):akr@serein% Src/zsh -f
> } serein% bindkey -e;autoload -U compinit; compinit -D
> } serein% zstyle ':completion:*' tag-order '*:label' 
> } serein% which <TAB>
> } 
> } This completes nothing.
> I used the example of completing after `lynx' because _lynx has not been
> edited since before this broke, whereas _which was changed recently.
> The problem is with the change to _arguments to use a counter instead of
> a shift when going around this nested loop:
> ...
> In the previous implementation, `shift descrs' at the point where I've put
> `# lots deleted' would mean that the inner while loop consumed all the
> descriptions on the first time around the _tags loop, so they were not
> tried again for the second and succeeding tags.  Now, all the descriptions
> are tried for every tag.  I'm not sure if that's what Sven intended, but
> it breaks the `all tags not explicitly selected are tried last' behavior
> in some way.

It definitely is what I intended. But, yes, the problem shows up
because now the inner loop is run more than once, leading to the
state-name being more than once in $state, which makes the test in the 
caller fail.

The patch below just ensures that we don't add states more than once
to $state. Another question is if the test in line 345 should be
changed (or if $tried should be set when a `->state' was
executed). We'll have to play some more with it, I guess.


Index: Completion/Base/_arguments
RCS file: /cvsroot/zsh/zsh/Completion/Base/_arguments,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 _arguments
--- Completion/Base/_arguments	2000/05/30 07:49:00	1.26
+++ Completion/Base/_arguments	2000/05/31 06:03:10
@@ -223,15 +223,18 @@
           if [[ "$action" = -\>* ]]; then
-            comparguments -W line opt_args
-            state=( "$state[@]" "${${action[3,-1]##[ 	]#}%%[ 	]#}" )
-	    if [[ -n "$usecc" ]]; then
-	      curcontext="${oldcontext%:*}:$subc"
-	    else
-	      context=( "$context[@]" "$subc" )
-	    fi
-            compstate[restore]=''
-            aret=yes
+	    action="${${action[3,-1]##[ 	]#}%%[ 	]#}"
+	    if (( ! $state[(I)$action] )); then
+              comparguments -W line opt_args
+              state=( "$state[@]" "$action" )
+	      if [[ -n "$usecc" ]]; then
+	        curcontext="${oldcontext%:*}:$subc"
+	      else
+	        context=( "$context[@]" "$subc" )
+	      fi
+              compstate[restore]=''
+              aret=yes
+            fi
             if [[ -z "$local" ]]; then
               local line

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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