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RE: make check errors

> }
> } With current CVS (do not know yet which version it is :-) I get the
> } following errors (/etc/zshenv is empty, just for the case):
> Just for the record, I don't get either of these errors on my
> RH5.2 box
> (/etc/zshenv contains only settings for $path).
> } ...
> } Test /tools/src/zsh/Test/53completion.ztst failed: output
> differs from
> [...]
> } Test /tools/src/zsh/Test/54compmatch.ztst failed: output
> differs from
> How did you get 54 to run after 53 failed?  Testing normally
> bails out at
> the first failure for me (that's one reason I added the
> TESTNUM variable;
> did you use that?).

No. It was

cd zsh
cvs update -dP
cd zsh-build
gmake check

I was off for the last week. May, it is too long time for CVS ...

Actually, it always did run all tests. Zsh is was configured (once upon
a time) with


/tools/src/zsh/configure --prefix=/tools --enable-zsh-debug --enable-fun


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