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Re: Tags vs. groups, and ZLS_COLORS (Re: wish for a colored completion system)

On Jun 18,  4:42am, I wrote:
} } The problem is really that the code in _setup can't find out what
} } pattern was used when defining the style.
} I don't think that's the problem.  Note in the trace above that we end up
} with `:(argument-1)...:' in $ZLS_COLORS.  That's nonsensical; there's no
} group named `argument-1'.  The problem is that _setup can't differentiate
} between a "real tag" and a group name being used as a tag.  The *right*
} behavior, I think, is for all "real tag" lookups to use `(-default-)' in
} ZLS_COLORS, whereas group names being used as tags use their actual name.
} Can we devise a way to tell _setup whether $1 is a real tag, or a group?

(Sound of hand smacking forehead.)

If $1 is a real tag, then it'll be the same as the last field of the
context, right?  E.g. this bit of trace output:

+_setup:5:if: zstyle -a :completion::complete:ssh:argument-1:argument-1 list-colors val

So what if _setup was to do the following?

if zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:$1" list-colors val; then
  zmodload -i zsh/complist
  if [[ "$1" = default ]]; then
  elif [[ "$curcontext" = *:"$1" ]]; then
    eval "ZLS_COLORS=\"(-default-)\${(j.:(-default-).)\${(@)val:gs/:/\\\:}}:\${ZLS_COLORS}\""
    eval "ZLS_COLORS=\"(${1})\${(j.:(${1}).)\${(@)val:gs/:/\\\:}}:\${ZLS_COLORS}\""

  # ...


This seems to do exactly the right thing in the few cases I attempted.  Of
course, it doesn't address the problem with (group-name) in the value of
the list-colors style, nor the gname problem in _description ...

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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