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RE: PATCH: files and paths and...

>   zstyle '*:files' fake '/:cygdrive' '/cygdrive:a b c...'
> Does that work?

Yes, but I personally prefer combination of

mw1g017@MW1G17C:/usr/build/zsh/Test% zstyle '*:files' accept-exact
mw1g017@MW1G17C:/usr/build/zsh/Test% zstyle '*:files' fake /:cygdrive

to avoid listing all drives (that is the whole sense of using /cygdrive
at all - else I could just mount them). It means, that we may complete
non-existent drive - but there is really nothing to do about it unless
some way to list all drives exist.

BTW as I found out, Cygwin allows you to use


and even

d:\path\to\file (assuming proper quoting on shell level)

as well. E.g. d:/temp is completely valid. Currently Zsh cannot complete

ls d:/tTAB gives nothing. Sigh ... but probably we should move this
discussion to zsh-users (to find out, just how useful it is at all). One
way is to use cygpath utility that converts between DOS/Unix:

mw1g017@MW1G17C:/usr/build/zsh/Test% cygpath
Usage: cygpath [-p|--path] (-u|--unix)|(-w|--windows) filename
  -a|--absolute         output absolute path
  -c|--close handle     close handle (for use in captured process)
  -f|--file file        read file for path information
  -u|--unix             print Unix form of filename
  -w|--windows          print Windows form of filename
  -W|--windir           print `Windows' directory
  -S|--sysdir           print `system' directory
  -p|--path             filename argument is a path
mw1g017@MW1G17C:/usr/build/zsh/Test% cygpath -u d:/temp
mw1g017@MW1G17C:/usr/build/zsh/Test% cygpath -u d:\\temp
mw1g017@MW1G17C:/usr/build/zsh/Test% cygpath -w /usr


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