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Still locale problems on Cygwin

I have English Win2k with Russian locale set, and russian characters are
shown as ? in ls output. While this is definitely Cygwin problem, Zsh
(often) completely hangs when completing such name ... sorry, it just
takes hours (well, a bit less :-) to give listing. It is so slow, that I
really had impression it was hung.


mw1g017@MW1G17C:/cygdrive/d/temp% ls
mozilla-win32-M16-talkback.zip  ???????
zsh                             ???????
??????                          ???? ???????
????                            ?????
mw1g017@MW1G17C:/cygdrive/d/temp% ls ^Tизбор/
Completing file
\M-\n\M- \M-!\M- \M-*\M-.\M-"
\M-^Q\M- \M-h\M- \ \M-^Q\M-.\M-*\M-.\M-+\M-.\M-"
\M-+\M-%\M--\M-*\M- /

The "real" contents is (for those, who can display russian characters at
all :-):

 Volume in drive D has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 7CB1-481F

 Directory of D:\TEMP

16.06.2000  16:03       <DIR>          .
16.06.2000  16:03       <DIR>          ..
16.06.2000  15:55            6 331 861 mozilla-win32-M16-talkback.zip
16.06.2000  17:18       <DIR>          zsh
10.03.2000  11:26       <DIR>          Визбор
09.02.2000  23:18       <DIR>          Дюна
15.03.2000  21:15       <DIR>          Кабаков
07.03.2000  16:46       <DIR>          ленка
01.03.2000  15:30       <DIR>          Пелевин
15.03.2000  21:16       <DIR>          Саша Соколов
               1 File(s)      6 331 861 bytes
               9 Dir(s)     740 864 000 bytes free


Have a nice DOS!
B >>

P.S. I am afraif, this has to be discussed together with Cygwin guys,
but may be somebody has any idea?

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