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Re: build problem with new texi2html

> Yeah, we reported that to the makeinfo maintainers and they apologized and
> said it was supposed to have remained backwards-compatible.  The variant
> without the space is going to return in a future patch release.
> I'm not sure what that means we should do about it;  There's probably some
> kind of configure/make foo that could insert a space if one is needed.

Parse `texi2html -version' if we can identify the affected versions.
On the other hand, if they're bringing it back soon, it's probably
not worth the trouble.
> Hmm, however, I've never seen the HTML generated by 1.62.1; perhaps it has
> changed from using generated numbers as the name= part of the anchors and
> is trying to use the actual section titles?   That'd be a big improvement
> in some respects, but would introduces multiple anchors with the same name.

Here's a unified diff of 3.1.9 with old texi2html versus today's CVS with
new (grepped for "Approximate Matching").  So I guess the answer is no.

-<H3><A NAME="SEC61" HREF="zsh_toc.html#TOC61">Approximate Matching</A></H3>
+<H3> 13.9.5 Approximate Matching </H3>
-<LI><A NAME="TOC61" HREF="zsh_13.html#SEC61">Approximate Matching</A>
+<A NAME="TOC61" HREF="zsh_13.html#SEC61">13.9.5 Approximate Matching</A>

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