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Re: bug in _mutt ?

Andy Spiegl wrote:
> While we are talking about mutt completion, I'd really like to program it
> so that I can use '=' at the front of a mailbox name to abbreviate ~/Mail/,
> but all my tries so far didn't work. :-(

This can be done by testing "compset -P '='" and stripping off the mail
directory in the same way it's already done for various types of mailbox
(but not currently mutt) in _mailboxes, but if you wait for Dr Schaefer's
Morning Surgery you may find this will happen anyway.  It might be a little
tricky because unless NO_EQUALS is set you have to quote the = to protect
it from path expansion, but that should be possible.

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cambridge Silicon Radio, Unit 300, Science Park, Milton Road,
Cambridge, CB4 0XL, UK                          Tel: +44 (0)1223 392070

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