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Re: A couple completion glitches

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> You DO need to set the suffix style, but you need to set it to "false".

This has an unfortuante side-effect.  It does fix the problem I
complained about, though:

    % touch ~/foo{1..3}
    % zstyle ':completion:*:expand:*' suffix false
    % ls ~/foo*<tab>

This becomes the proper:

    % ls ~/foo1 ~/foo2 ~/foo3
    ~/foo1 ~/foo2 ~/foo3
    ~/foo1   ~/foo2   ~/foo3

However, the following behaves in a very undesireable manner:

    % ls ~/foo<tab>

This becomes:

    % ls /home/wayne/foo

Which is not what I want at all.

It still seems strange to me that (without the above suffix option)
foo* gets glob expansion but ~/foo* does not.  Surely this should not
be the default even if this turns out (for some strange reason) not to
be a bug.

BTW, thanks for pointing out the "group-name" setting.  I think that
might be what I will choose to use (and it is reflected in the above
menu-completion output).


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