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Re: [Suggestion] IGNORE_EOF like in bash

Christoph Lange wrote:

> Hi there,
>   I suggest that the IGNORE_EOF shell option should be implemented in the
> same way as in bash. There, it is a shell variable rather than an option.
> The best explanation is given in the bash manual page:
> ...
> The advantage is that a user can set that variable to 3, for example, to log
> out after three presses of ^D.

I doubt that we'll change options to parameters any time soon (or
ever). One more reason for putting more of zle in shell code and using 
styles there...

> If you should not like to hard-code it into the shell, you should consider
> the following workaround: the shell must not catch ^D on an empty command
> line before any invocation of a zle widget. If ^D on an empty command is
> passed to zle, too, users can write their own zle widget which ignores it,
> let's say 3 times, and then logs out.

That's rather irritating, indeed. Can anyone see a reason to not
change it?


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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