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Re: bug in _mutt ?

Sorry, I was out of reach for a few days...

Most of the issues are fixed by Clints patches.  Thanks!

> Yes.  That's the whole point of _multi_parts: it works like _path_files,
> but on strings that aren't necessarily file names.  So you should find
> that if you type
> % mutt -f =sub<TAB>
> it'll append the slash, and offer completions of
> cus  mutt  zsh  zsh-workers  linux  kira  akte

Hm, it does append the slash, but then I only get a beep. :-(

> } It would sound more logical to me if the full paths were kept.
> Why?  (Some people have very wide and deep mailbox hierarchies ...)
I fully agree with you, if completion after sub/.. still works.  But
actually in that case I would expect zsh to offer me _all_ the files in
that directory.  Hm, that's probably the same issue as whether completion
after = or + should only list the .muttrc-defined mailboxes or whether it
should list all files under ~/Mail.  I'd prefer both...in separate groups.

> mailbox.  This is imprecise, as it means that if you happen to have a
> directory named "cur" it'll guess that the parent is a qmail mailbox.
> You have a directory named "cus" ... do you also have a "cur"?
Nope, "cus" is short for "cusanus" and is just a name. :-)


 E-Mail: Andy@xxxxxxxxx     URL: http://andy.spiegl.de
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