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Re: PATCH: Problem with _expand, _path_files, and $(command)

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> On Jul 3, 10:12am, Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> } Subject: Re: PATCH: Problem with _expand, _path_files, and $(command)
> }
> } Bart Schaefer wrote:
> } 
> } > zagzig[88] echo $(exit 0)
> } > zagzig[88] echo \$\*\(exit\ 0Om\)
> } 
> } Shouldn't we just test for [[ $PREFIX$SUFFIX = *\$\(*\)* ]] and
> } give up if that is true?
> This is a contrived example, but:
> zagzig[128] ls Completion/$(echo Core)/_
> Completing file
> _funcall            _compalso           _files              _ignored          
> _menu               _approximate        _list               _setup
> (etc.)
> This is without the _expand completer.  (The odd-looking order of the
> file names is because my styles display them sorted by mod time.)  Is
> that still going to work if _path_files gives up as you suggest?

Hm, no. Maybe just change the patterns in lines 120, 122, 166 and 168
from `(?*)' to `(*[^\$])'? (Haven't tried...)


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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