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RE: Open bugs and questions?

> Semester-holiday has definitely begun now. So, does anyone have a list
> of unfixed bugs and open questions? Bart?

Well, long outstanding issue that I always failed to formulate properly (and
hence never posted).

Currently tags are used for two completely different tasks:

- as names for group of generated matches
- as special configuration parameters, used by some completion functions

I never liked this; I believe, it originates in times when we did not have
strict context names. Currently it is

- confusing.
- limits configuration possibilities

What I mean under "limitations" - consider e.g. "hosts" tag. That is used for
list of hostnames. But because it is tag, I can use it just once for a given
context (a.k.a. command parameter). But I could quite sensibly wish two host
sets - "trusted-hosts" and "untrusted-hosts" and complete them differently
using two different lists. This is not (easy)possible now, unless I miss

Such tags simply do not fit into context idea because they represent static
configuration parameter (valid gor completion function) rather then dynamic
(valid for a given context).

Another example is:

bor@itsrm2% gdiff
tags in context :completion::complete:gdiff::
    argument-1 options  (_arguments _diff_options _diff)
ags in context :completion::complete:gdiff:argument-1:
    all-files  (_files _arguments _diff_options _diff)

Do we ever complete using tag argument-1? What I mean, is - it may be used
internally by _arguments - but can user use it? Can it be used to set styles?
As I understand, user sees context xxx:argument-1. I.e. in the above case we
either complete tag "options" in context ":completion::complete:gdiff::" or
tag "all-files" in context ":completion::complete:gdiff:argument-1:".
What I'd like to see is

- remove all "dummy" tags that are used only to look up styles
- replace them with real per-context styles
- conssitently use "default" tag to setup default values for any context (I'd
actually call it "-default-" to stress it's specialness).
- do not list tags that may be used by completion system internally

It is probably still very messed up; sorry.


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