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Re: PATCH: Re: Open bugs and questions?

Peter Stephenson wrote:

> >   % let "$foo[(I)(|\([^\)]#\))-bar(|[-+=])(|\[[^]]\])(|:*)]"
> >   zsh: bad math expression: operand expected at `)(|:*)]'
> >   % (( $foo[(I)(|\([^\)]#\))-bar(|[-+=])(|\[[^]]\])(|:*)] ))
> >   zsh: command not found: )(|:*)]
> % pat='(|\([^\)]#\))-bar(|[-+=])(|\[[^\]]\])(|:*)' 
> % (( $foo[(I)$~pat] ))
> I haven't tried this out because out of context I haven't the smallest idea
> what it's supposed to be doing.

Yes, I know. I wanted to avoid introducing an extra parameter just for 
the pattern.

It's used to test if one of the options found in the --help output has 
a description in the user specified specs. I.e. the pattern should
match option specs.


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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