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Re: Passing state information from one completion function to another?

Andrej Borsenkow wrote:

> What I'd like to have is to list only my own processes in "normal" case and
> everything in case of root. This works with a single exception of sudo (and
> may be su) - in this case completion happens in current user context and does
> not know if it was root or not.
> Is it possible for _sudo to set some state info (notably, that we are after
> sudo at all and user name) that can be queried by other functions? Of course,
> that shoould be cleaned up after completion exits. This may be useful in other
> cases as well - some generic test "if command is to be executed as root/other
> user"

Shouldn't it be enough to use `zstyle -e' and test if $words contains
`sudo' (probably as the first word)?


Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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