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Case-insensitive globbing?

Under Solaris, when you choose any locale that is not "C", even some
as innocent-looking as "en_US", globbing works with locale-specific
data.  While this looks like a nice idea at a glance, it leads to very
strange behavior:

$ touch foo bar qux IMPORTANT
$ ls [a-z]*
bar   foo   qux
$ LC_ALL=en_US zsh
$ ls [a-z]*
bar         foo         IMPORTANT   qux

I don't know about you, but I would expect `rm [a-z]*' to leave the
file IMPORTANT in place.  With zsh under Solaris and en_US locale, it
would get deleted.

Could you please make the ranges in [...] range through ASCII, as the
users would expect?  The users who want case-insensitiveness as
enforced by the locale can always use [[:alpha:]] and whatnot.

Please Cc responses to me, as I am not subscribed to this list.

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