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Re: PATCH: _mh; handling of mail etc. completion

On Mar 20, 12:11pm, Peter Stephenson wrote:
} Subject: PATCH: _mh; handling of mail etc. completion
} - There are no completions for standard mail programmes or common
}   tools like elm and pine.

You'll note that _mailboxes can handle several such programs, though.
We just don't have a file containing the #compdef line to hook it up.

Of course there's more we *could* do ... even _mutt could, for example,
grovel alias names out of the apprpriate config file to complete in the
userhost state when there's no @ in the word yet.

} - There is no special handling user@domain instead of user@host.  This
}   can be done with contexts, but maybe it would be nicer to have some
}   special mail _user_at_host handling which allows pws@xxxxxxx (where
}   csr.com doesn't appear in my normal hosts list for obvious reasons).

Hmm.  Is there anything else about the handling of domains that would be
distinct from hosts?

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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