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"keep-prefix true" feature request

I'd like the "keep-prefix true" setting to work a little differently.
It keeps a variable from expanding only if it is the first item in the
filename, and I'd like it to avoid expanding any variable that has
text after it (like the old completion system does).  In other words:

  % # ... Normal compinit setup ...
  % zstyle ':completion:*:expand:*' keep-prefix true
  % export xpkg=/var/spool/pkg/solaris_x86
  % export htd=/usr/local/etc/http/htdocs
  % cd ~xpkg/apache$htd/<TAB>

This expands $htd, but I want to complete dirs without expansion.
...At least, it used to...  Now it's just beeping at me unless I
change the '~' into a '$'.  I'll investigate further, but my requested
feature is the same:  leave the prefixed characters unchanged if there
are suffix characters present (between the cursor and the variable).


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