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RE: Weird test failures under Cygwin

> On May 10,  7:57pm, Andrej Borsenkow wrote:
> } Subject: Weird test failures under Cygwin
> }
> } If I run tests individually (make TESTNUM=Y02compmatch check) it work
> } fine. If I run them all at once (or just make TESTNUM=Y check), both
> } compatch and arguments fail:
> You don't have an /etc/zshenv or equivalent, do you?  If you do, what's
> in it?

mw1g017@MW1G17C% cat /etc/zshenv

typeset -U PATH path
path=(/usr/bin /usr/local/bin $path)

> } /tools/src/zsh/Test/Y02compmatch.ztst: starting.
> }
> ####################################################################
> ##########
> } ##
> Wow, it takes a long time to run these tests on your machine.  I never
> get more than about 30 hash marks.

That is PII 266MHz with 192MB and Win2k; X-Vision 7.3 + some other apps always
running. On my Unix system (that is MIPS R4400 200MHz with 256MB) I get even
more hashes ... and on home system (PIII 733, 128MB, Mandrake 8+) none at all.

> } rm: cannot remove directory `/tools/build/zsh/Test/match.tmp': Permission
> } denied
> That's very strange, but it could have something to do with the failure.
> Same thing here:
> } rm: cannot remove directory `/tools/build/zsh/Test/comp.tmp': Permission
> } denied

Something has changed in the way zpty runs commands (I fixed the above once
already). Look here:

mw1g017@MW1G17C% zpty zsh /usr/bin/zsh
mw1g017@MW1G17C% ps
     1900       1    1900       1900   0 1006 21:17:16 /usr/bin/zsh
     2216    1900    2216       1760   0 1006 21:17:21 /usr/bin/zsh
     3140    2216    3140       3140   1 1006 21:30:23 /usr/bin/zsh
     2412    3140    2412       2696   1 1006 21:30:24 /usr/bin/zsh
     3308    2216    3308       1932   0 1006 21:30:26 /usr/bin/ps

The tty0 is my current and tty1 is pts; when I unload zpty (test does it) it
basically sends HUP to tty group - but we have *two* tty groups here. So the
second zsh is stuck around with Test/comp.tmp as current dir that prevents it
from being removed:

mw1g017@MW1G17C% zmodload -u zsh/zpty
mw1g017@MW1G17C% ps
     1900       1    1900       1900   0 1006 21:17:16 /usr/bin/zsh
     2216    1900    2216       1760   0 1006 21:17:21 /usr/bin/zsh
I    2412       1    2412       2696   1 1006 21:30:24 /usr/bin/zsh
     2288    2216    2288       1924   0 1006 21:37:17 /usr/bin/ps


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