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Re: termcap bug on Linux

Bart Schaefer wrote:

On May 27,  5:09pm, Andrej Borsenkow wrote:
} Subject: termcap bug on Linux
} Mandrake cooker (currently glibc-2.2.3, termcap-11.0.1-4mdk) compiled } with termcap, no ncurses. tgetflag() returns 0 for both unset and } nonexsiting flags, which means that $termcap[cap] returns "no" for } almost everything except numeric capabilities.

Does the following patch help?  This duplicates code from echotc() into
gettermcap() -- so the two should at least now agree with each other,
which they might not have before, even if they're both wrong.


Does something similar need to go into scantermcap() ?

I guess, no. In scantermcap() we know type of each capability.


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