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Re: PATCH: check deleted .zwc files

On Jun 8,  3:53pm, Clint Adams wrote:
} > I have a .zwc file for several functions.  I update one of those functions.
} > I then remove and rebuild the .zwc file.  Now, stat() of the .zwc shows
} > that it is newer than the function file, but any running zsh still has a
} > mapped descriptor on the removed file.  With this code:
} > >      if (stat(filename, buf)) {
} [...]
} > zwcstat() will cause zsh to decide that it can keep using the mapped copy,
} > even though the function file is actually newer than the mapped copy.
} Maybe I'm confused.  If you've generated a new .zwc file, that stat()
} will return 0, and the mapped copy won't even be considered.

OK, I was misunderstanding the way the contents of the struct stat are
used after zwcstat() returns them.

If there's a new file on the disk with the name zwcstat() is checking, it
will be stat'd and then check_dump_file() will discover that none of the
mapped files have the same st_dev && st_ino as any previously-loaded file.
This will cause it to map the new file and load the desired function from
it; any already-loaded functions defined in the same file will not be re-
loaded, and the old file will not be unmapped.

So here's the litany of difficulties with this; some are pre-existing, and
some are new with the introduction of zwcstat():

1.  The file search order is violated.  The doc says:

      If ELEMENT already includes a .zwc extension (i.e. the
      extension was explicitly given by the user), ELEMENT is
      searched for the definition of the function without comparing
      its age to that of other files; in fact, there does not need
      to be any directory named ELEMENT without the suffix. ...

    As of 14813, removing the directory's digest file is not sufficient
    to cause the directory to be searched.  This is wrong because there
    is no subsequent st_mtime comparison in this case.

2.  Even st_mtime comparisons to a removed file can be misleading.

      ... the order of searching is, first, in the *parents of*
      directories in fpath for the newer of either a compiled
      directory or a directory in fpath; second, if more than one of
      these contains a definition for the function that is sought, the
      leftmost in the fpath is chosen; and third, within a directory,
      the newer of either a compiled function or an ordinary function
      definition is used.

    Suppose I've `mv'd a file from one directory to another in $fpath;
    the st_mtime of the file is not changed by the `mv' -- in fact, it
    may not even have changed the inode number -- but it should still be
    used in preference to any mapped+removed .zwc, even if it's older
    than the .zwc was at the time it was removed.

3.  If the .zwc file is rewritten in place (so its dev/ino don't change),
    the st_mtime on disk is used to decide whether to continue using
    the mapped copy.

    This is a particularly hairy one [and predates zwstat()].  If the
    .zwc is overwritten, then either (a) the operating system will have
    done some kind of copy-on-write thing and the memory-map will be
    out of date, or (b) the newly-copied data will be accessed via the
    mapped descriptor and zsh may execute garbage.

4.  If the file is mapped, removed, replaced, mapped again, and then
    removed again, etc., there will be multiple entries in the `dumps'
    linked list with the same `filename' field.  The search in zwcstat()
    does not find the most-recently-mapped version of the file.

5.  As Andrej noted, every re-mapping wastes (not exactly leaks) memory,
    though on a system that pages directly out of the mapped file that's
    not of any particular concern.

There's not really much we can do about (3b).  The closest thing would be 
for zcompile to always create .zwc files by unlinking and recreating them
(unless some sort of force option is given), and also to chmod that new
file to remove write permission.

For (1) and (2), it's necessary to split up the test for file existence
from the search for an already-mapped copy, which means we need more than
just zwcstat().

Clint, maybe you could explain more WHY you want this to work?  Is it
for the case where the ONLY place from which zsh can load the function
definition is the (removed but still mapped) digest file?  Or is there
some reason that you want the mapped file to take precedence over any
other file on disk?

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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