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Re: named references

Bart Schaefer wrote:

> First, I wish it wasn't necessary to waste an entire `struct param' on a
> nameref.  It's got a bunch of extra fields that a nameref can't possibly
> need.  I'd say you should create a new type of hash node, except that the
> implementation of `local' depends so much on the guts of `struct param'.

Is a `struct param' big enough to matter? Other than the two environment
char*s, what won't namerefs need? I fear that using another hash node
will cause problems for references to references and local but I'll
definitely look into doing that.

> Second, I think you're dealing with dereferencing in too many separate
> places.  It's almost always the case that dereference is wanted -- the
> only exception seems to be `unset -n'.  This suggests that dereference
> should be a hashtable-level operation rather than parameter-name-level.

I had assumed that the hash table was a generic thing, used for things
other than parameters so had specifically not touched it. I'll look into
doing that though. One concern I have is that in some cases, the code
needs to know the name of the referenced parameter. This is mainly
because the reference is to an unset parameter and the code needs to
know what name to create a new parameter under. Possibly solvable with
a PM_UNSET parameter. Does a `struct param' know its own name because I
can't see that it does. The dereference glob qualifier also needs this.
Could it be passed back from the hashtable code somehow? 

I suspect my current code looks worse than it really is with respect to
dereferencing in too many places. Basically, getting fetchvalue to
dereference covers most cases. derefvalue was just a wrapper to get the
name of the referenced value and I was probably going to merge that into
fetchvalue and extract the basic derefence code to a function which
fetchvalue and unset would call. Certainly, I'll try to do it at the
hashtable level though.

> So I'd suggest adding to the union:
>         HashNode ref;           /* value if declared nameref (PM_NAMEREF) */

Using a pointer for the reference is something I considered when I
started out. The problem is how to deal with references to unset
parameters. The code seemed to do a bit of unsetting, freeing and
recreating parameters which worried me.  Also, for all references to
unset parameters, you would need to create a parameter with PM_UNSET
and either keep a count of the number of references to it each
parameter has, implement garbage collection or never free the memory
for struct params.

In many other ways it does seem better with the pointer though. With
this `HashNode ref' implementation how would you handle locals?
> } I have not implemented ksh93's ${!ref}

> I don't think that's an issue.  Just implement it in the most direct
> way, without paying any attention to history, and it'll "just work" in
> ksh emulation mode when nobanghist is in effect.  Then also provide a
> corresponding expansion flag for regular zsh use.

Okay. Thanks.

> I don't think that's necessary, but it raises the question of what really
> happens when a reference-to-a-reference is made.  That is:
>         typeset v1 v2
>         typeset -n r1=v1
>         typeset -n r2=r1
>         typeset -n r1=v2
> At this point, is r2 still a reference to v1, or has it become a reference
> to v2?  That is, is r1 dereferenced at the time of assignment to r2, or
> not until time of dereference of r2?  This ...

not until time of dereference of r2. r2 will be and will remain a
reference to `r1' whatever r1 is whether that be unset, another
reference, an array or scalar.

> }   ksh: typeset: val: invalid self reference
> ... tends to indicate that a dereference is performed at the time of the
> assignment, if only to discover the loop.

It is only to discover the loop as allowing the loop would be fairly

> I'm also a bit confused by this:
> } also, the element of an array, assoc can not be a reference, just as it
> } can't be a float etc:
> }   $ typeset -n ref[1]=val
> }   ksh: typeset: ref: reference variable cannot be an array
> Because later you say:
> } in ksh, typeset -n ref[one]=val is allowed with [one] ignored
> Which is it?

In ksh:
  $ typeset -n ref[one]=val
  $ typeset -n
  $ typeset -n ref[one]=val
  ksh: typeset: ref: reference variable cannot be an array
So whether ref is set decides the behaviour. The first behaviour is, in
my opinion a bug in ksh. Ultimately, this doesn't really matter
because, I would attempt to implement the second behaviour (i.e. print
an error) for both cases but thanks for pointing that out.

> } references can't be exported
> } local applies to the reference not the variable
> What exactly does "local applies to the reference" mean?  I presume it
> means it hides the name of the nameref, turning it into a local name
> that may not even be a nameref any more.

that the reference variable is local and doesn't overwrite another
variable of the same name. I worded that badly though: `local ref' would
be a new variable ref and the old ref would be hidden whether or not it
is a reference.

> } in ksh though:
> }   $ typeset -n -r ref=val
> }   ksh: typeset: ref: is read only
> } might be good if this would define ref as a readonly reference
> I don't understand what the ksh error message means has happened.

  $ typeset -n -r ref=val
  ksh: typeset: ref: is read only
  $ typeset|grep ref
  readonly ref
  $ echo $ref
so ksh has created a readonly scalar, ref with the value `val'. In my
opinion, it would be more useful to create a readonly reference, ref
pointing to `val' and not print an error message. 

>  I do
> understand what you mean by a read-only reference:  It would mean that
> an assignment `val=newval' would succeed, but `ref=newval' would not.

No, that isn't what I meant. I meant that `unset -n ref' or
`typeset -n ref=newval' would print:
zsh: read-only variable: ref

so the reference variable would be readonly in just the same way as any
other variable. I thought about the reference's flags being used on the
scalar when accessed through the reference (as you describe for
readonly) but don't think it is particularly useful and left/right won't
work if I overload ct.

My basic idea was that if a typeset command includes -n, any other flags
(such as -r) would apply directly to the reference. Otherwise, a
dereference would be done to maintain the transparency of the reference.

> } typeset +n ref converts ref to a scalar
> A scalar having what value?  The name of the previously referenced param?

Yes. The reverse is also true so a scalar converted to a nameref will
use the scalar value for the new nameref. Conversion to and from
arrays/associations is not possible.

> } if ksh is given an nameref as the index to a for loop it assigns the
> } values as for the reference, not the value. It could be very useful
> } but isn't what what you'd first expect. Is there a good alternative to
> } avoid this:
> }   $ typeset -n ref=dummy
> }   $ for ref in var1 var2 ...
> So what you mean is that, in ksh, the two lines above are the same as
>     for name in var1 var2; do typeset -n ref=$name; ...
> Hence at the end of the loop `typeset ref' will say `nameref ref=var2'?
> (Or does `typeset ref' not work that way?  See below.)

That is exactly what ksh does (except `typeset ref' outputs nothing
because ksh doesn't do that. `typeset -n' would output `ref=var2' and
`typeset|grep ref' would output `nameref ref').

The question is should we emulate ksh there (it is a nice feature and
avoids the need for the extra variable) or should we use the more
expected behaviour (dereference ref) or add some other syntax (such as
`for -n ref' or `for nameref ref'. Any other suggestions?

> } reference records the local level [...]
> } because of the above, it needs to handle the situation where
> } unset ref is done in the function above and also where ref is
> } then also reassigned a value.
> Using an actual u.ref pointer to the referenced node would deal with all
> of this in a very straightforward manner, I think.
> } ksh is not clever enough to allow typeset -n ref=ref in a function though
> What is the actual complaint?

I'm sure I had it complaining about an `invalid self reference' but it
seems to work now. I probably used `f()' instead of `function f' syntax
by mistake. Anyway, that is ksh so it is irrelevant.

> } Extra issues in zsh:
> } 
> } local should be implied for typeset -n without +l.
> You mean without -g ?  +l is `not lowercase'.  I suppose ksh has used -l
> for `local'?  (See previous mail I've sent about whether ksh emulation
> mode should change the meanings of some options to typeset.)

Sorry, that was me being stupid. I meant without -g. I've just never
used it so didn't think. ksh has no equivalent - just the difference for
the two function syntaxes which isn't nice in my opinion.

> } what should ${(t)ref} return - the same as what it refers to with -nameref-
> } inserted?
> It should correspond to `typeset -n ref=val; typeset ref'.

That just outputs `ref=val' similar to what it would for a scalar. My
thinking was that it should do the dereference here to maintain
compatibility with any code which currently uses ${(t)..}. For example
all the current uses of _parameter -g would want to include namerefs to
arrays if they are completing arrays. Most of these cases use pattern
matching so inserting `-nameref' wouldn't break too much.

In 5068, you said that ksh has "separate namespaces for namerefs and
parameters". Can you remember what you meant by that? Your following
statement about unsetting namerefs is wrong because there is `unset
-n'. As far as I can tell, ksh93 namespaces amount to little more than
allowing `.' in parameter names (apart from nameref logic and composite
assignment statements).

Thanks Bart for your suggestions.


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