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Parameters are being typed as float by default?

This has something to do with 15291, 15292.  In my .zshrc is the snippet

    FP='?f%f:.?a :.(?eEND:?pb%pb\%:?abyte :.%bb..)?e?x - Next\: %x:.:.$'
    LESS="a mPm$FP q X"		# Less version 332
    let lines=$LINES-2
    export LESS="$LESS z$lines"

If I then "echo $LESS" I see

a mPm?f%f:.?a :.(?eEND:?pb%pb\%:?abyte :.%bb..)?e?x - Next\: %x:.:.$ q X z22.0000000000

I really didn't want that .0000000000 in there; it causes less to complain
that there's "no -. option".  Why did $lines become float-typed?  And can 
you please make it stop?

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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