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Attached.  It depends on the patch in 15611, so I'll commit both (maybe
altered) after I've gotten feedback.

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

Zsh: http://www.zsh.org | PHPerl Project: http://phperl.sourceforge.net   
# There are certain usages of typeset and its synonyms that it is not
# possible to test here, because they must appear at the top level and
# everything that follows is processed by an "eval" within a function.
# This includes but may not be limited to printing all values (with no
# arguments) or all names (with argument `+').

# Equivalences:
#  declare	typeset
#  export	typeset -x (implies -g)
#  float	typeset -E
#  functions	typeset -f
#  integer	typeset -i
#  local	typeset +g (almost)
#  readonly	typeset -r

# Tested elsewhere:
#  Equivalence of autoload and typeset -fu 	A05execution
#  Associative array creation & assignment	D04parameter, D06subscript
#  Effects of GLOBAL_EXPORT			E01options
#  Function tracing (typeset -ft)		E02xtrace

# Not yet tested:
#  Justification (-L, -R, -Z)
#  Case conversion (-l, -u)
#  Hiding (-H)
#  Tagging (-t)


  setopt noglob

  array=(a r r a y)

  scope00() {
    typeset scalar
    typeset -a array
    array=(l o c a l)
    print $scalar $array
  scope01() {
    local scalar
    local -a array
    array=(l o c a l)
    print $scalar $array
  scope02() {
    declare scalar
    declare -a array
    array=(l o c a l)
    print $scalar $array
  scope10() {
    export outer=outer
    /bin/sh -fc 'echo $outer'
  scope11() {
    typeset -x outer=outer
    /bin/sh -fc 'echo $outer'
  scope12() {
    local -x outer=inner
    /bin/sh -fc 'echo $outer'
  scope13() {
    local -xT OUTER outer
    outer=(i n n e r)
    /bin/sh -fc 'echo $OUTER'

  stress00() {
    typeset -h +g -m [[:alpha:]_]*
    unset -m [[:alpha:]_]*
    typeset +m [[:alpha:]_]*


 typeset +m scalar array
0:Report types of parameters with typeset +m
>array array

 print $scalar $array
0:Simple local declarations
>local l o c a l
>scalar a r r a y

 print $scalar $array
0:Equivalence of local and typeset in functions
>local l o c a l
>scalar a r r a y

 print $scalar $array
0:Basic equivalence of declare and typeset
>local l o c a l
>scalar a r r a y

 print $outer
0:Global export

 print $outer
0:Equivalence of export and typeset -x

 print $outer
0:Local export

 float f=3.14159
 typeset +m f
 float -E3 f
 print $f
 float -F f
 print $f
0:Floating point, adding a precision, and fixed point
>float local f

 integer i=3.141
 typeset +m i
 integer -i2 i
 print $i
0:Integer and changing the base
>integer local i

 float -E3 f=3.141
 typeset +m f
 integer -i2 f
 typeset +m f
 print $f
0:Conversion of floating point to integer
>float local f
>integer local f

 typeset -f
0q:Equivalence of functions and typeset -f

 readonly r=success
 print $r
1:Readonly declaration
?(eval):3: read-only variable: r

 typeset r=success
 readonly r
 print $r
1:Convert to readonly
?(eval):4: read-only variable: r

 typeset -gU array
 print $array
0:Uniquified arrays and non-local scope
>a r y

 typeset -T SCALAR=l:o:c:a:l array
 print $array
 typeset -U SCALAR
 print $SCALAR $array
0:Tied parameters and uniquified colon-arrays
>l o c a l
>l:o:c:a l o c a

 typeset -T SCALAR array
 typeset +T SCALAR
1:Untying is prohibited
?(eval):typeset:2: use unset to remove tied variables

 print $OUTER
0:Export of tied parameters

 local array[2]=x
1:Illegal local array element assignment
?(eval):local:1: array[2]: can't create local array elements

 local -a array
 typeset array[1]=a array[2]=b array[3]=c
 print $array
0:Legal local array element assignment
>a b c

 local -A assoc
 local b=1 ;: to stomp assoc[1] if assoc[b] is broken
 typeset assoc[1]=a assoc[b]=2 assoc[3]=c
 print $assoc[1] $assoc[b] $assoc[3]
0:Legal local associative array element assignment
>a 2 c

 local scalar scalar[1]=a scalar[2]=b scalar[3]=c
 print $scalar
0:Local scalar subscript assignment

 print $scalar $array
0:Stress test: all parameters are local and unset, using -m
>scalar a r y

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