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Re: New options & arguments processing system for ZSH

I'll try to be a little more descriptive.  When completing, like so:

prompt% yes -<TAB>
---- option
--lines  --sleep  -l  -s  -- positive integer number                           
--escape       --no-escape    -E             -h                          
--help         --no-newline   -e             -n                          

There is no help on what the options do.  There's nothing that says -l means
"Output only count times".  Actually, there is sort of a problem with the
listing, since it says that the --lines,-l,-s,--sleep options are the same
because of the new "equivalence matching".

I created a new version of yes, called yes2, which I've attached.  It behaves
more like what I would like to see during completion, as such:

prompt% yes2 -<TAB>
---- option
--escape      -e  -- __Interpret escape characters as for echo (default unless 
--help        -h  -- __Provide help                                            
--lines       -l  -- __Output only count times                                 
--no-escape   -E  -- __Prevent interpretation of escape characters             
--no-newline  -n  -- __Suppress output of automatic newline                    
--sleep       -s  -- __Pause for number of seconds between each echo           

But notice the duplication of the option explanation via the  '* help="..."'
syntax.  (I added the double underscores, just to make sure that is where the
text was coming from.)

The way I read your mail, though, is that the yes2 output should be coming
from the original "yes" script.  So there might be a problem somewhere,
or I just didn't understand you.  

>Since _arguments doesn't decode values for use I don't see how that would

If you use a state action, _arguments puts information in the opt_args
associative array.  I think it could be useful if there was a little 
more control how parsed values are stored like provided by parse_opts. 

----------BEGIN yes2
local -A opts
parse_opts - opts -- "$argv[@]" <<'EOF' || return 1
Repeatedly print a string

yes2 [options] [<text> ...]

  -e, --escape           Interpret escape characters as for echo (default
                    the BSD_ECHO option is set)
                    # [echoopt] += --escape | -e : constant=-e *
help="__Interpret escape characters as for echo (default unless the BSD_ECHO
option is set)"
  -E, --no-escape        Prevent interpretation of escape characters
                    # [echoopt] += --no-escape | -E : constant=-E *
help="__Prevent interpretation of escape characters"
  -h, --help             Provide this help
                    # --help | -h * help="__Provide help"
  -l <count>, --lines=<count> Output only count times
                    # --lines | -l : posinteger * help="__Output only count
  -n, --no-newline       Suppress output of automatic newline
                    # [echoopt] += --no-newline | -n : constant=-n *
help="__Suppress output of automatic newline"
  -s <seconds>, --sleep=<seconds>
                    Pause for number of seconds between each echo
                    # --sleep | -s : posinteger * help="__Pause for number of
seconds between each echo"

  [<text> ...]           Optional text to print. Defaults to 'yes'
                    # [text] += [*] text

# Output as required
while (( ${opts[lines]:-1} ))
  echo $=opts[echoopt] ${opts[text]:-yes}
  (( opts[sleep] )) && sleep $opts[sleep]
  (( opts[lines] && opts[lines]-- ))
----------END yes2

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