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Re: Working with the historywords special parameter

--- Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Have you tried using $history instead of $historywords?  You want the
>word that comes immediately after $words[CURRENT-1] in every history
>line that contains $word[CURRENT-1], right?
>    local w p h r
>    w=${(q)words[CURRENT-1]}
>    p=$'\0'$w$'\0'
>    h=$'\0'${(pj:\0:)${(z)history[(R)*$w*]}}
>    r=( ${${(ps:\1:)h//$~p/$'\1'}%%$'\0'*} )
>    compadd -a r
>This assumes there are no literal NUL or ctrl-A characters in the
>history, but that seems a pretty safe assumption.

I tried Sven's suggestion and that worked fine. I then tried Bart's
suggestion, and that worked really fast.  However, there were two
problems.  One a seg fault in the shell when completing for a word that
had either one or no matches  (stack in a separate post).  The other problem
is that it didn't know about line boundaries.  So if the searched for word was
at the end of the line, then it would return a match for the previous
command, which is wrong.

I didn't try Bart's other suggestion for getting indexes.  So don't have
anything to say about that versus a new "M" modifier.

Also, I was wondering if the (z) modifier applied to the elements of history
would always return the same results as found by historywords?


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