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Switching shell safely and efficiently

Regarding switching shells if zsh isn't your login shell ...

I spawn new shells often enough that a safety-check prompt as
suggested in section 1.7 of the FAQ would be too annoying.  Using exec
is preferable, to avoid leaving loads of copies of bash lying around
in the process table doing nothing, but for me, the exec has been
known to fail (despite a -x check succeeding) due to library
mismatches between our various machines in the office.  So I wanted
something that hit the sweet spot in the safety/efficiency trade-off,
and I came up with the following.  Feel free to criticise, but if
enough people think it's ok, would it be worth including in Misc/, or
mentioning in the FAQ?

--------- 8< --------- 8< --------- 8< --------- 8< --------- 8< ---------
# Adam's .switch_shell
# Try switch shell if we're interactive, aiming for safety, but
# not so much that we end up hogging memory.
# $Id: .switch_shell,v 1.9 2001/09/07 18:34:01 adam Exp $
# Usage:
# . /path/to/.switch_shell [-d] [ /path/to/new_shell [ <new shell options> ]
#    -d turns on debugging

if [ "$1" = '-d' ]; then

if [ -n "$1" ]; then
  # Sensible default shell to switch to.
  myshell=`which zsh`


switch_shell_safely () {
  # we do this rather than exec() just in case $myshell fails to run.
  [ -n "$debug" ] && echo "Switching to $myshell safely ..."
  $myshell $myshell_args "$@" && exit

switch_shell_dangerously () {
  [ -n "$debug" ] && echo "Switching to $myshell dangerously ..."
  exec $myshell $myshell_args "$@"

switch_shell () {
  if [ ! -x $myshell ]; then
    [ -n "$debug" ] && echo "$myshell not executable; aborting switch."

  if [ -n "$NO_SWITCH" ]; then
    [ -n "$debug" ] && echo 'Shell switching disabled by $NO_SWITCH; aborting.'

  case "$SHLVL" in
    1) # login shell, be careful
       switch_shell_safely "$@"
    *) # other shell, be risky and save memory
       switch_shell_dangerously "$@"

# only switch if we're interactive
case "$-" in
  *i*) switch_shell "$@"
--------- 8< --------- 8< --------- 8< --------- 8< --------- 8< ---------

Then you put something like

  [ -e ~/.switch_shell ] && . ~/.switch_shell

in your .bashrc.  Although I wrote it to be as portable as possible
(how global is $SHLVL ?), one obvious disadvantage is that it won't
work with any type of csh.

You also need

  bash () {
    NO_SWITCH="yes" command bash "$@"

somewhere in your .zshrc if you're ever forc^Wrequired to invoke bash.


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