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RE: zsh 4.0.2 (powerpc-apple-darwin1.4)

> cc  -s  -o zsh main.o  `cat stamp-modobjs`   -lm  -lc
> /usr/bin/ld: warning unused multiple definitions of symbol _glob
> glob.o definition of _glob in section (__TEXT,__text)

On the second thought, it is conflict of glob() in Src/glob.c with
system glob(). Such conflict is always bad (and I wonder, is it possible
that mysterious globbing failures that were reported are related).

At first glance it is used just in two places:

  File    Function Line
0 exec.c  execcmd  1760 glob(args, firstnode(args), 0);
1 subst.c globlist  236 glob(list, node, nountok);

so what about just renaming it into zglob or like?


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