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Re: Very odd behaviour with zsh, maybe corruption bug

On Oct 11, 11:57am, martin.ebourne@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
} _down_fn() {
}   setopt local_options
}   set -x
}   if [[ ${LASTWIDGET} == ${_searching} ]]
}   then
}     _searching=$WIDGET
}     zle .history-beginning-search-forward
}   else
}     if [[ $RBUFFER == *$'\n'* ]]
}     then
}       _searching=''
}       zle .down-line-or-history
}     else
}       _searching=$WIDGET
}       zle .history-beginning-search-forward
}     fi
}   fi
} }
} Here is an example trace where it has gone wrong (once the bug had been
} 'activated' I just pressed up followed by down to get this):
} gdd-odybin2% +_down_fn:3> [[ new-up == new-up ]]
} +_down_fn:8> [[ "abc
} def" == *
} * ]]
} +_down_fn:10> _searching=
} +_down_fn:11> zle .down-line-or-history

I've gotten a bit closer to what's going on here, but I'm still not sure
exactly what's happening.

In evalcond(), there's this fragment:

	    int test, npat = state->pc[1];
	    Patprog pprog = state->prog->pats[npat];

	    if (pprog == dummy_patprog1 || pprog == dummy_patprog2) {
		char *opat;
		int save;

		right = opat = dupstring(ecrawstr(state->prog, state->pc,
		if (htok)
		save = (!(state->prog->flags & EF_HEAP) &&
			!strcmp(opat, right) && pprog != dummy_patprog2);

		if (!(pprog = patcompile(right, (save ? PAT_ZDUP : PAT_STATIC),
		    zerr("bad pattern: %s", right, 0);
		else if (save)
		    state->prog->pats[npat] = pprog;

On the *next* call to _down_fn *after* the call which executes
}       _searching=''
}       zle .down-line-or-history

The C code above gets into this state:

(gdb) p opat
$21 = 0x4011b220 ""
(gdb) p right
$22 = 0x4011b230 ""

Thus `save' is true, so we execute `state->prog->pats[npat] = pprog;' and
thereafter the test at _down_fn:3 can never succeed again.  The problem
is that before calling `singsub(&right);', the string is not empty:

(gdb) p ecrawstr(state->prog, state->pc, &htok)
$26 = 0x8140d5f "\205\215_searching\216"

Hence `save' should not have become true, but it did.

This *must* be a bug in prefork() called via singsub(); it must be zeroing
`right' (and thus also zeroing `opat') before copying the string.  But I
just can't seem to catch it happening.

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

Zsh: http://www.zsh.org | PHPerl Project: http://phperl.sourceforge.net   

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