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Re: zsh 4.0.4 crashes when PATH unset

Pascal Byrne wrote:

> Hi,
> I have found a crash bug in zsh 4.0.4 compiled under Linux. When PATH is 
> unset and I try doing completion after typing '~/' the shell gives a seg 
> fault.
> I have the following options set:
> autocd noautoparamslash autopushd autoresume nobgnice cdablevars correct 
> correctall extendedglob globdots histexpiredupsfirst histignoredups 
> interactive longlistjobs mailwarning menucomplete pushdignoredups 
> pushdminus pushdsilent pushdtohome rcquotes recexact shinstdin

Hm, works for me, both with compctl and the new completion system.
Could you tell us the steps to the crash, starting with `zsh -f'?


Sven Wischnowsky                           wischnow@xxxxxxxxx

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