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Re: about _arguments

 --- Bruno Bonfils <asyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > hi all,
> i try to finish _mplayer (now there is support for skin)
> but i want to know do this :
> the -skin arguments have meaning only if there is the -gui

Can -skin appear before -gui or only after. If it can appear before
then there is nothing useful you can do because -skin should be always
be completed because a user might want to type -gui later on the line.

If -skin is only valid after -gui on the command-line then you can
check $words (with a subscript flag) to see if -gui has been specified
and only add -skin with _arguments  if it has been.

I've looked at the new _mplayer you posted recently. It looks good and
I didn't see anything to comment on or suggest though I'm not familiar
with mplayer.


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