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Re: why is 2 the smallest HISTSIZE?

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Derek Peschel wrote:
> Setting HISTSIZE to zero would disable the history list -- are there
> any other ways of disabling it?

One (drastic) way to disable it is to "unsetopt zle".  Of course, it
disables all the fancy command-line editing as well.

> but the code prevents HISTSIZE from actually becoming zero.  I guess
> that prevention is what creates the illusion of a "last comamnd"
> buffer (Is there a separate buffer, not maintained by the history
> mechanism?).

Right (there's no separate buffer).

> Did the implementation (of the "last command" buffer) change, but the
> 2 not get changed to 1?

Yeah, looks like I overlooked this "2" value.  I'll fix this.


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