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Re: (backward-)kill-argument (1/2 thanks 1/2 problem re-statement)

"Bart Schaefer" <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Mar 15, 9:55am, Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
> }
> } > i want to: * kill filenames w/ spaces: e.g.  this\ is\ file.txt
> }  Write yourself a little widget. As a starting point:
> } 
> }   kill-with-spaces() { local words words="${(z)BUFFER}"
> }BUFFER="${BUFFER%${words[-1]}[ ]#}" }
> That's a nice function, Sven, but I think I'd call it something like
> `backward-kill-shell-word', and it ought to test $LBUFFER, not $BUFFER.  If you
> throw in `setopt localoptions extendedglob', we could even put it in the
> distribution,
> } (There's a space and a TAB inside that [ ].)
> You can write that as [[:space:]] now, I think?

Thanks to both of you. I am arriving to what i wanted.

> } >   * maybe even the bracketed part: find { -name '*.h' }
> } > 
> } > Is it possible in Zsh?
> }  Using the above you could check if $words[-1] is one of the closing braces
> }and if it is, search back in the array for the matching opening brace. When
> }found, you can delete the end of $BUFFER up to that matching brace by using a
> }pattern of the form:
> } 
> }   ${words[-n]}[ ]##...[ ]##${words[-1]}[ ]#
> Hmm, I think I'd just do a loop killing words until the open-brace was missing
> from $LBUFFER.  So, putting it all together,
>     backward-kill-shell-expression() {
>         setopt localoptions extendedglob
>         local words
>         words="${(z)LBUFFER}"
>         LBUFFER="${LBUFFER%${words[-1]}[[:space:]]#}"
>         if [[ "$words[-1]" == '}' ]]
>         then
>             words="${(z)LBUFFER}"
>             while [[ "${${(@M)words:#[\{\}]}[-1]}" == '{' ]]
>             do
>                 LBUFFER="${LBUFFER%${words[-1]}[[:space:]]#}"
>                 words="${(z)LBUFFER}"
>             done
>         fi
>     }
> This could be extended to handle `( ... )', `[[ ... ]]', etc., and we could of
> course also write a forward- version.

But here i again explained wrongly what i intended.

I must admit, i would like to migrate from Zsh, sh etc.  to SCSH (scheme
shell). Just Zsh has these unique and elaborated completion & other systems. But
these remain cryptic to me, and i (still) prefer to improve my understanding of scheme
rather that of Zsh (module system of ?) completion system.

I immagine Zsh keeps a database (roughly) like:
                        [and i am interested in how it works]

commands| minus-arguments|sort-of-type| completion action for the type (widget?)
find       -name           wants 1 text

now these brakets:
        find { -name '*.h' }
i used only to delimit what i would like to remove. I have got in
the  ZLE buffer (on the line) simply:
        find  -name '*.h' 

And now i want to delete all "-name '*.h' "  which is  product of some grammar
rule, or simply the minus-argument with its argument(s).

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