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PATCH: Assorted Doc and Functions/Zle stuff

Patch for several things, some of which I've had sitting around for quite
a while:

- Fix typo in compsys example documentation
- Alphabetize widget entries in contrib.yo and put their index entries
  in the Editor Functions index (rather than the Functions index)
- Make copy-earlier-word and smart-insert-last-word play together better
  (see users/5832)
- Fix for toggle mode of predict-on (users/5828)

diff -ru -x CVS ../zsh-forge/current/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo ./Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
--- ../zsh-forge/current/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo	Sat Aug 17 09:53:37 2002
+++ ./Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo	Wed Oct  2 01:35:51 2002
@@ -2488,7 +2488,7 @@
 completers are only used when completion is attempted a second time on 
 the same string, e.g.:
-example(zstyle ':completion:*' completer '
+example(zstyle -e ':completion:*' completer '
   if [[ $_last_try != "$HISTNO$BUFFER$CURSOR" ]]; then
     reply=(_complete _match _prefix)
diff -ru -x CVS ../zsh-forge/current/Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo ./Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo
--- ../zsh-forge/current/Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo	Thu Jan 16 10:36:20 2003
+++ ./Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo	Sun Jan 26 13:44:33 2003
@@ -386,6 +386,23 @@
   zle -N $widget bash-$widget
+This widget works like a combination of tt(insert-last-word) and
+tt(copy-prev-shell-word).  Repeated invocations of the widget retrieve
+earlier words on the relevant history line.  With a numeric argument
+var(N), insert the var(N)th word from the history line; var(N) may be
+negative to count from the end of the line.
+If tt(insert-last-word) has been used to retrieve the last word on a
+previous history line, repeated invocations will replace that word with
+earlier words from the same line.
+Otherwise, the widget applies to words on the line currently being edited.
+The tt(widget) style can be set to the name of another widget that should
+be called to retrieve words.  This widget must accept the same three
+arguments as tt(insert-last-word).
 After inserting an unambiguous string into the command line, the new
@@ -571,13 +588,14 @@
 bindkey '^X^Z' predict-on
 bindkey '^Z' predict-off)
 This function may replace the tt(insert-last-word) widget, like so:
 example(zle -N insert-last-word smart-insert-last-word)
-With a numeric prefix, it behaves like tt(insert-last-word), except that
+With a numeric prefix, or when passed command line arguments in a call
+from another widget, it behaves like tt(insert-last-word), except that
 words in comments are ignored when tt(INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS) is set.
 Otherwise, the rightmost ``interesting'' word from the previous command is
@@ -592,20 +610,6 @@
 zstyle :insert-last-assignment match '[[:alpha:]][][[:alnum:]]#=*'
 bindkey '\e=' insert-last-assignment)
-This widget works like a combination of tt(insert-last-word) and
-tt(copy-prev-shell-word).  Repeated invocations of the widget retrieve
-earlier words on the relevant history line.  With a numeric argument
-var(N), insert the var(N)th word from the history line; var(N) may be
-negative to count from the end of the line.
-If tt(insert-last-word) has been used to retrieve the last word on a
-previous history line, repeated invocations will replace that word with
-earlier words from the same line.
-Otherwise, the widget applies to words on the line currently being edited.
@@ -766,6 +770,19 @@
 these widgets display a message below the prompt when the predictive state
 is toggled.  This is most useful in combination with the tt(toggle) style.
 The default does not display these messages.
+kindex(widget, widget style)
+This style is similar to the tt(command) style: For widget functions that
+use tt(zle) to call other widgets, this style can sometimes be used to
+override the widget which is called.  The context for this style is the
+name of the calling widget (em(not) the name of the calling function,
+because one function may be bound to multiple widget names).
+example(zstyle :copy-earlier-word widget smart-insert-last-word)
+Check the documentation for the calling widget or function to determine
+whether the tt(widget) style is used.
diff -ru -x CVS ../zsh-forge/current/Functions/Zle/copy-earlier-word ./Functions/Zle/copy-earlier-word
--- ../zsh-forge/current/Functions/Zle/copy-earlier-word	Tue Mar  5 08:33:21 2002
+++ ./Functions/Zle/copy-earlier-word	Sun Jan 26 13:48:31 2003
@@ -5,15 +5,20 @@
 # and start from the word before last.  Otherwise, it will operate on
 # the current line.
+emulate -L zsh
 if (( ${NUMERIC:-0} )); then
-   # 1 means last word, 2 second last, etc.
-   (( __copyword = ${NUMERIC:-0} ))
+  # 1 means last word, 2 second last, etc.
+  (( __copyword = ${NUMERIC:-0} ))
+  zstyle -s :$WIDGET widget __copywidget
 elif [[ -n $__copyword && $WIDGET = $LASTWIDGET ]]; then
   (( __copyword-- ))
 elif [[ $LASTWIDGET = *insert-last-word ]]; then
+  __copywidget=$LASTWIDGET
+  zstyle -s :$WIDGET widget __copywidget
-zle .insert-last-word 0 $__copyword
+zle ${__copywidget:-.insert-last-word} 0 $__copyword
diff -ru -x CVS ../zsh-forge/current/Functions/Zle/predict-on ./Functions/Zle/predict-on
--- ../zsh-forge/current/Functions/Zle/predict-on	Mon Sep  4 14:13:09 2000
+++ ./Functions/Zle/predict-on	Sat Jan 25 12:18:23 2003
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@
-    if [[ $LASTWIDGET == (self-insert|magic-space|backward-delete-char) ]]
+    if [[ $LASTWIDGET == (self-insert|magic-space|backward-delete-char) ||
+	  $LASTWIDGET == (complete-word|accept-*|predict-*) ]]
       if ! zle .history-beginning-search-backward
diff -ru -x CVS ../zsh-forge/current/Functions/Zle/smart-insert-last-word ./Functions/Zle/smart-insert-last-word
--- ../zsh-forge/current/Functions/Zle/smart-insert-last-word	Thu Sep  7 21:15:45 2000
+++ ./Functions/Zle/smart-insert-last-word	Sun Jan 26 12:01:10 2003
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # smart-insert-last-word
 # Inspired by Christoph Lange <langec@xxxxxx> from zsh-users/3265;
-# rewritten to correct multiple-call behavior after zsh-users/3270.
+# rewritten to correct multiple-call behavior after zsh-users/3270;
+# modified to work with copy-earlier-word after zsh-users/5832.
 # This function as a ZLE widget can replace insert-last-word, like so:
@@ -50,14 +51,24 @@
+# Handle the up to three arguments of .insert-last-word
+if (( $+1 )); then
+    if (( $+3 )); then
+	((NUMERIC = -($1)))
+    else
+	((NUMERIC = _ilw_count - $1))
+    fi
+    (( NUMERIC )) || LBUFFER[lcursor+1,cursor+1]=''
+    numeric=$((-(${2:--numeric})))
-zle .up-history || return 1   # Retrieve previous command
-lastcmd=( ${(z)BUFFER} )      # Split into shell words
-zle .down-history             # Return to current command
-CURSOR=$cursor                # Restore cursor position
-NUMERIC=${numeric:-1}         # In case of fall through
+zle .up-history || return 1      # Retrieve previous command
+lastcmd=( ${${(z)BUFFER}:#\;} )  # Split into shell words
+zle .down-history                # Return to current command
+CURSOR=$cursor                   # Restore cursor position
+NUMERIC=${numeric:-1}            # In case of fall through
 (( NUMERIC > $#lastcmd )) && return 1

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