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PATCH: more _next_tags problems

_next_tags works by redefining _all_labels and _next_labels to slightly
modified ones which track the tag labels which are completed. These
have not been kept in sync with changes to the real _all_labels and
_next_labels for changes since 10632 and 11525 respectively. This patch
brings it up-to-date. It fixes a number of problems I was getting with
_next_tags though note that it does nothing about the two bugs Peter
recently found.


Index: Completion/Base/Widget/_next_tags
RCS file: /cvsroot/zsh/zsh/Completion/Base/Widget/_next_tags,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 _next_tags
--- Completion/Base/Widget/_next_tags	29 May 2001 11:59:51 -0000	1.2
+++ Completion/Base/Widget/_next_tags	25 Feb 2003 18:31:08 -0000
@@ -10,64 +10,65 @@
   unfunction _all_labels _next_label
   _all_labels() {
-    local gopt=-J len tmp pre suf ret=1 descr spec
+    local __gopt __len __tmp __pre __suf __ret=1 __descr __spec __prev
-    if [[ "$1" = -([12]|)[VJ] ]]; then
-      gopt="$1"
+    if [[ "$1" = - ]]; then
+      __prev=-
-    tmp=${argv[(ib:4:)-]}
-    len=$#
-    if [[ tmp -lt len ]]; then
-      pre=$(( tmp-1 ))
-      suf=$tmp
-    elif [[ tmp -eq $# ]]; then
-      pre=-2
-      suf=$(( len+1 ))
+    __gopt=()
+    zparseopts -D -a __gopt 1 2 V J x
+    __tmp=${argv[(ib:4:)-]}
+    __len=$#
+    if [[ __tmp -lt __len ]]; then
+      __pre=$(( __tmp-1 ))
+      __suf=$__tmp
+    elif [[ __tmp -eq $# ]]; then
+      __pre=-2
+      __suf=$(( __len+1 ))
-      pre=4
-      suf=5
+      __pre=4
+      __suf=5
-    while comptags -A "$1" curtag spec; do
-      [[ "$_next_tags_not" = *\ ${spec}\ * ]] && continue
-      _comp_tags="$_comp_tags $spec "
-      if [[ "$curtag" = *:* ]]; then
-        zformat -f descr "${curtag#*:}" "d:$3"
-        _description "$gopt" "${curtag%:*}" "$2" "$descr"
+    while comptags "-A$__prev" "$1" curtag __spec; do
+      [[ "$_next_tags_not" = *\ ${__spec}\ * ]] && continue
+      _comp_tags="$_comp_tags $__spec "
+      if [[ "$curtag" = *[^\\]:* ]]; then
+        zformat -f __descr "${curtag#*:}" "d:$3"
+        _description "$__gopt[@]" "${curtag%:*}" "$2" "$__descr"
-        "$4" "${(P@)2}" "${(@)argv[5,-1]}"
+        "$4" "${(P@)2}" "${(@)argv[5,-1]}" && __ret=0
-        _description "$gopt" "$curtag" "$2" "$3"
+        _description "$__gopt[@]" "$curtag" "$2" "$3"
-        "${(@)argv[4,pre]}" "${(P@)2}" "${(@)argv[suf,-1]}" && ret=0
+        "${(@)argv[4,__pre]}" "${(P@)2}" "${(@)argv[__suf,-1]}" && __ret=0
-    return ret
+    return __ret
   _next_label() {
-    local gopt=-J descr spec
+    local __gopt __descr __spec
-    if [[ "$1" = -([12]|)[VJ] ]]; then
-      gopt="$1"
-      shift
-    fi
+    __gopt=()
+    zparseopts -D -a __gopt 1 2 V J x
-    if comptags -A "$1" curtag spec; then
-      [[ "$_next_tags_not" = *\ ${spec}\ * ]] && continue
-      _comp_tags="$_comp_tags $spec "
-      if [[ "$curtag" = *:* ]]; then
-        zformat -f descr "${curtag#*:}" "d:$3"
-        _description "$gopt" "${curtag%:*}" "$2" "$descr"
+    if comptags -A "$1" curtag __spec; then
+      [[ "$_next_tags_not" = *\ ${__spec}\ * ]] && continue
+      _comp_tags="$_comp_tags $__spec "
+      if [[ "$curtag" = *[^\\]:* ]]; then
+        zformat -f __descr "${curtag#*:}" "d:$3"
+        _description "$__gopt[@]" "${curtag%:*}" "$2" "$__descr"
-	set -A "$2" "${(P@)2}" "${(@)argv[4,-1]}"
+	set -A $2 "${(P@)2}" "${(@)argv[4,-1]}"
-        _description "$gopt" "$curtag" "$2" "$3"
-	set -A "$2" "${(@)argv[4,-1]}" "${(P@)2}"
+        _description "$__gopt[@]" "$curtag" "$2" "$3"
+	set -A $2 "${(@)argv[4,-1]}" "${(P@)2}"
       return 0

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