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First function :)

Here is my first completion function :)

It's a completion function for pkgtool, the slackware package management

I don't know the process to submit it to the ZSH developper (perhaps
here, wrong ??)

So here is may function : _pkgtool (it works fine for me)

I will create other function as soon as I'll have time, I find it it
quite easy to do (for simple one) and it change the life :)

baptiste daroussin <daroussi@xxxxxx>
#compdef installpkg upgradepkg removepkg pkgtool explodepkg makepkg 

_slackware_pkg() {
  local flags

  case "$service" in
      '-warn[warn if files will be overwritten, but do not install]'
      '-root=[install someplace else, like /mnt]:Root directory:_path_files -/'
      '-infobox[use dialog to draw an info box]'
      '-menu[confirm package installation with a menu]'
      '-ask[used with menu mode: always ask if a package should be installed regardless of what the package'\''s priority is]'
      '-priority[provide a priority for the entire package list to use instead of the priority in the tagfile]:Priority list:(ADD REC OPT SKP)'
      '-tagfile[specify a different file to use for package priorities.  The default is "tagfile" in the package'\''s directory]:Tagfile:_files -/'

    _arguments -s \
      $flags[@] \
      '*:Slackware packages:_files -g \*.tgz'

      '-warn[Generate  a  report  to  the  standard output about which files and directories would be removed, but does not actually remove the package.]'
      '-preserve[If specified, the complete package subtree is reconstructed in /tmp/preserved_packages/packagename.]'
      '-copy[Construct a copy of the package under /tmp/preserved_packages/packagename, but don'\''t remove it.  (same effect as -warn -preserve)]'
      '-keep[Save the  intermediate  files  created  by  removepkg  (delete_list,  required_files,  uniq_list,  del_link_list,  required_links, required_list).  Mostly useful for debugging purposes.]'

    _arguments -s \
      $flags[@] \
      '*:Package name:_files -W /var/log/packages/ -/'

      '--install-new[the behavior is modified to install new packages in addition to upgrading existing ones.]'
      '--reinstall[upgrade all packages even if the same version is already installed.]'
      '--verbose[Show all the gory details of the upgrade.]'

    _arguments -s \
      $flags[@] \
      '*:Slackware packages:_files -g \*.tgz'

    _arguments -s \
    '*:Slackware packages:_files -g \*.tgz'

      '(--linkadd -l)'{--linkadd,-l}'[moves symlinks into doinst.sh: recommended]:Answer:(y n)'
      '(--chown -c)'{--chown,-c}'[resets all permissions to root:root 755 - not generally recommended]:Answer:(y n)'

    _arguments -s \

    '-sets[Install the disk sets A, B, C. Seperate the disk set names by '\''#'\'' symbols.]'
    '-source_mounted[When this flag is present, pkgtool will not attempt to unmount and remount the source device with each disk.]'
    '-ignore_tagfile[When this flag is present, pkgtool will install every *.tgz package encountered no matter what the tagfiles say.]'
    '-tagfile[This flag is used to specify from the command line which tagfile should be used for the installation.]:Tagfile:_files -/'
    '-source_dir[Used  when installing multiple packages from disk sets. This is the directory in which the subdirectories for each disk are found.]:Source directory:_path_files -/'
    '-target_dir[The directory where the target root directory is located. This is '/' when installing on the hard drive, or typically '\''/mnt'\''  when installing from an install disk.]:Target directory:_path_files -W -/'
    '-source_device[The source device to install from. This is not used if you'\''ve provided the -source_mounted flag. It'\''s usually used when installing from floppy.]:Source device:_files -/'
    _arguments -s \

_slackware_pkg "$@"

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