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bug in list-colors use of LS_COLORS?

I'm using the following directive to enable coloured completion lists:

  zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}

If, in the dircolors configuration file, I declare that symbolic links should
inherit the color of their target (LINK target), then the completion list
display will be broken. For example:

[/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins]% ls 
files                       ls _
argetmflashplayer.xpt@    argetmjavaplugin_oji.so@  argetmlibflashplayer.so@ li

(_ is the position of the cursor after hitting tab)

I can work around this by declaring a colour for link twice in the dircolors
configuration file:

  LINK 01;36
  LINK target

zsh uses the first and ls uses the second. This, at least, doesn't result in a
munged display, but it would be nice if zsh could honour the target directive,

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