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compaudit slow with many groups

At work, we have 1168 groups defined in NIS, and the entire database
dumped via "getent group" is over 100kB.  This makes compaudit very slow
on startup if the groups are not all cached locally, and makes it a drag
logging in to a machine with zsh as my shell.

The code to blame is on line 85:

    local GROUP GROUPMEM _i_pw _i_gid _i_ulwdirs
    while IFS=: read GROUP _i_pw _i_gid GROUPMEM; do
      if (( UID == EUID )); then
        [[ $GROUP == $LOGNAME ]] && break
        (( _i_gid == EGID )) && break       # Somewhat arbitrary
    done <<(getent group)

which seems somewhat inefficient.  Would something along the lines of

    local GROUP GROUPMEM _i_pw _i_gid _i_ulwdirs
    if (( UID == EUID )); then
    	getent group $UID | IFS=: read GROUP _i_pw _i_gid GROUPMEM
    	getent group $EGID | IFS=: read GROUP _i_pw _i_gid GROUPMEM
	(( _i_gid == EGID )) || unset GROUP GROUPMEM

work?  I'm not positive this is the right set of tests, but if not,
there ought to be some similar way of reducing the overhead of the
function.  Is there any system where getent can't take two arguments?

Or perhaps it ought to be conditional on some style being set or unset.


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