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Re: PATCH: exit after 10 EOF's

On Wed, 15 Sep 2004, Bart Schaefer wrote:

> No, it's not being treated as EOF.  It's being treated as a key bound to 
> the EOF character (and not explicitly bound to anything else).

I'll clarify that by noting that "explicitly bound" is important, as it's 
*implicitly* bound to delete-char-or-list.

> > and I don't think it's useful.
> I disagree.

Here's an example of why.

  count-ctrl-D() { zle -M $((++ctrlD)) }
  zle -N count-ctrl-D
  bindkey \^D count-ctrl-D
  setopt ignoreeof

Now start typing ctrl-D at the beginning of an empty line.  With the patch 
you introduced, the shell will exit before displaying "10".  Without the 
patch, you can go on counting forever.

I haven't searched the archives, but I'm pretty sure someone (maybe me) 
made similar arguments the last time something about ignoreeof behavior
came up (which would have been several years ago).

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