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Re: Some groundwork for Unicode in Zle

* Oliver Kiddle <okiddle@xxxxxxxxxxx> [Jan 11. 2005 15:52]:
> Peter wrote:
> > from how the line is encoded internally.  We can use wchar_t inside and
> > pass back a multibyte string.
> Good to see this being addressed. How do you plan to cope with encoding
> nulls if you use wchar_t? (or does zle not bother?) The whole meta stuff
> is what really scared me off ever touching this.

It's not just 'good', it's really awesome. Thanks for doing this!

Mads Martin Joergensen, http://mmj.dk
"Why make things difficult, when it is possible to make them cryptic
 and totally illogical, with just a little bit more effort?"
                                -- A. P. J.

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