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patch for supporting <import>s in ant completion


I've patched ant completion to gather targets from imported files also
Though It doesn't expand properties, may be it will find it's place in
some of the future versions..

/usr/share/zsh/4.2.4/functions/Completion/Unix $ diff ant.orig _ant

<         targets=( $(sed -n "s/ *<target[^>]*
name=[\"']\([^\"']*\)[\"'].*/\1/p" < $buildfile) )
>         files=( $(sed -n "s/ *<import[^>]* file=[\"']\([^\"']*\)[\"'].*/\1/p" < $buildfile) $buildfile )
>         targets=( )
>         foreach file ( $files ) do
>                   targets=( $(sed -n "s/ *<target[^>]* name=[\"']\([^\"']*\)[\"'].*/\1/p" < $file) $targets )
>         done


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