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Can't redefine execute-named-cmd ??

If I run these commands:

execute-named-cmd() { zle -R HERE; sleep 2; zle .execute-named-cmd "$@" }
zle -N execute-named-cmd

and I then invoke execute-named-cmd, I go directly to the "execute:"
prompt, with no display of "HERE" and no sleep.

Furthermore, if instead I do this:

execute-widget() { zle -R HERE; sleep 2; zle .execute-named-cmd "$@" }
zle -N execute-widget
bindkey '\ex' execute-widget

and then I invoke execute-widget, the shell displays HERE for two seconds
and then crashes.  This happens whether or not I have the leading dot in
the widget name, is NOT affected by the presence or absence of "$@", and
happens even when "zle -N execute-named-cmd" has NOT been run.

This applies to 4.2.4 as well as to the latest CVS.

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