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Re: Completion strangeness

On May 19,  1:29pm, Oliver Kiddle wrote:
} Subject: Re: Completion strangeness
} This is unrelated to the bug Bart pointed to.

I was about to say, "then I was mistaken."

} We can cut this down to a minimal setup to see problems:


} Patterns like '???' and '????' in compset also work. If compset has
} removed four or more characters, we get the separator character (.)
} inserted. So the problem is in the C code.

I fiddled with this just a little.  It's not always "four or more" --
it's somehow related to the length of the (un?)ambiguous prefix in the
part compset leaves behind.  For example, if you change
in your minimal example (extra 'p'), then the problem appears only
after compset has removed five or more characters.  If you change the
set of completions to
	yupa-dmz.valley-of-wind.krose.org \ 
	yipa.krose.org yopa.valley-of-wind.krose.org
then the problem appears only after seven or more characters are
removed.  And you can see it with

% t 123456@y

so it's not related to "kro" forming a substring of the right side.

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