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get _files to work/bug in subversion in completion

I would like to get zsh to provide me with file completion if the
_complete fails to find anything. According to


all I need to do is add _files to the end of my completion list.
Thus, I use

zstyle ':completion:*::::' completer _complete _ignored _files

but this doesn't seem to change anything. By analogy with the suggestion in


I try to define a _complete_first command

_complete_first() {
  _complete "$@"
  return 1
zstyle ':completion:*::::' completer _complete_first _files _ignored

to force _files to always run. This makes files appear alongside
arguments, but there no files appear in the situations where
completion fails.

In particular, if I do a

svn ci -F [tab]

to try to get a list of of possible files to use as my changelog, zsh
never completes anything. I think this is a bug...

Itai Seggev, University of Chicago, Department of Physics

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