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mkdir -p buldtin is possibly incorrect?


Look at this, this is a part of zsh-4.3.0-20050611/Src/Modules/files.c:

    120 static int
    121 domkdir(char *nam, char *path, mode_t mode, int p)
    122 {
    123     int err;
    124     mode_t oumask;
    125     char const *rpath = unmeta(path);
    127     if(p) {
    128         struct stat st;
    130         if(!lstat(rpath, &st) && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
    131             return 0;
    132     }

Why do you use "lstat" instead of "stat" in line 130?
I have my $HOME symlinked as "/home -> /var/home",
so any first attempt to use completion smaps like tths:
_store_cache:mkdir:16: cannot make directory `/home': file exists

George V Kouryachy (aka Fr. Br. George)
mailto:george at gmail dot com

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