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Re: Removing already completed items from future completions?

On 7/29/05, Wayne Davison <wayned@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It sure would be nice if a completer could be made to remove items that
> had already been inserted into the command-line.  For instance, in the
> completion for cvs: if I type "cvs commit <I>", and it mentions "foo"
> and "bar", I'd sure love it if "cvs commit foo <I>" would just insert
> "bar" (since "foo" would have been omitted from the list).
> ..wayne..

have you tried this?
zstyle ':completion:*:cvs:*' ignore-line yes
at least i think that should be right, i have this commented out in my
.zshrc which i think works, but i found it annoying:
#zstyle ':completion:*:rm:*' ignore-line yes

Mikael Magnusson

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